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Foster Care

An image of Lacy Murphey

Lacy Murphey

School Counseling Specialist


Students in Foster Care

In Texas, nearly 16,000 school-age students are in foster care on any given day. These students face unique challenges that greatly impact their success in the school environment and long-term functioning. School personnel, including foster care liaisons, coordinate cross-system efforts with representatives from the Department of Family and Protective Servicesthe Children's Commission, and other entities to improve the educational outcomes of students in foster care.  

Approximately 30-40% of children in foster care at any given time have disabilities. In addition, children in foster care are also less likely to receive special education services. This may be due to a slow exchange of educational records or disruption in services during a change in home and/or placement. These factors have a negative impact on academic achievement for students. 


Foster Care Consortium

Region 9 Education Service Center works closely with the Department of Family and Protective Services to coordinate a fall and spring Foster Care Consortium each year. The consortium promotes cross-system practices and collaborative strategies that improve educational stability and achievement while increasing awareness about the complexities and challenges which impact students in foster care.